
Spring Archery Students Graduate!

In four weeks, under the careful guidance of our Coaches, Ruth and John, these students progressed so much! We saw an increase in confidence, strength and accuracy with several different types of bows and at increasing distances. It was a

Spring Fling Archers are hitting their mark!

At the NJ School of Conservation, on Saturday, May 14th, six of our current Spring Fling students all progressed to landing bullseyes and/or piercing balloons at competition level placing! Consistency is the name of the game in Archery and their

Spring Archery has sprung (or is it twanged?)@NJSOC!

We are all so pleased to share some pictures of our newest class of archers in our adult Spring Fling Program at the NJ School of Conservation! This group got an amazing start on Saturday, May 30th under the guidance

Spring into Wild Edibles @NJSOC!

Saturday, April 23rd was a beautiful day on the NJSOC Campus for our wonderful Wild Edibles Program, led by Joanne Lockwood! Participants learned how to correctly identify nutritious and plentiful ingredients such as Trout Lily, Bedstraw, Garlic Mustard and more!

Sistas Afield Part II at NJSOC on 4/9/22

We have been so proud to be a part of the NJDEP Sistas Afield Program that brings families together over a 6 week session to learn fishing, water ecology, specimen identification, catching (fly fishing & spin casting), preparing and ultimately

Stream Stomp Fun at NJSOC

We were honored to Co-Host the Stream Stomp Program with the NJ Watershed Ambassadors team on Saturday, 4/2/22 and help families learn about the aquatic Macroinvertebrates that live in the streams at the NJ School of Conservation and how they

Sistas Afield Fishing Program @NJSOC!

On Saturday, March 26th, the NJ School of Conservation was proud to host part one of “Sistas Afield” Fishing Program by the NJ DEP Fish & Wildlife staff. In this introduction, women and their children mastered the basics of angling,

SOC Friends Appreciation Day

We Thank You! Sparks fly when like-minded people bound by a common purpose unite around a campfire! How symbolic that in this darkest time at SOC, we have been warmed by the light and love of so many Friends.  In

Families frolicked at Forest Fun Day!

Who ever knew you could have so much fun in a single day? Any one of the almost 100 people who attended Forest Fun Day found this out for themselves and now know just how much there is to learn

Wilderness Survival and Bushwacking

A young team of intrepid adventurers joined Dr. Jim Merritt on a hike through the woods of Stokes Forest.  Along the way, they paused to review their surroundings and determine what if anything was available in the forest for them