Get Involved!

Reopening and restoring an iconic educational facility that has been a NJ landmark for 70+ years is no easy task! Maintenance of most of the buildings, which date back to the late 1930s, has been underfunded for decades. Some sustained serious damage during the year the school was closed. Necessary program supplies need to be replaced, as do tools and equipment. Skills and talents of all kinds are welcome while we work to rebuild the school’s staff and programming.
How Can You Help?
- Subscribe to receive email updates.
- Join a committee*.
- Become a volunteer.
The Program Committee is identifying programs that would be unique to the NJSOC but could be seen as extensions to the NJDEP’s existing programming. We’d like to continue NJSOC’s legacy of providing quality environmental programming, while creating and sustaining a revenue stream, and keeping the NJSOC in the public eye.
The Legislation Committee is updating the existing legislation that established NJSOC as an environmental field center in perpetuity. We need help in developing a strategy to gain ongoing public and legislative support.
The Fundraising Committee needs members who can identify and establish sustainable sources of funding, including foundation support, individual donors and investors, and grant opportunities.
The Social Media/Communications Committee is responsible for creating content and messaging about programs, events, and initiatives to increase visibility and awareness of the School of Conservation.
*Not in NJ? No problem! Our committees meet virtually!
- Lead a program. We welcome volunteers to lead programs at NJSOC that support our mission. Submit your ideas for consideration for our program calendar.
- Participate in service projects.
- Help us connect with businesses and organizations with the skills and resources to help us rebuild/maintain both our programs and facilities.
- Run a personal fundraiser. Share your passion for NJSOC with your friends and help to raise needed funds. Once the Friends’ access agreement is in place, we will be better able to assess what our specific needs are.
- Share your talents and ideas. Are you skilled in public relations, social media content development, fundraising, photography, maintenance, marketing, administration, or any other area that you would be willing to apply to the needs of NJSOC? Let us know!
We know that hundreds of thousands of New Jersey residents have participated in programs at NJSOC and for many of them, NJSOC holds a special place in their hearts. You… or your children… or your parents… may be among that group. If you are interested in finding a way to “give back” to the School of Conservation, please submit a volunteer application and we will be happy to help make that happen. We are building a database of volunteers we can call on for help with projects of all types. Please be patient while we work through the school’s most pressing priorities to reach a point where we’ll be ready to best use your skills and talents!