Hooked on Fishing – A Day of Fish and Fun
They arrived with rods, reels, buckets, worms, and waders anticipating a day of fish and fun, and Lake Wapalanne did not disappoint. Within seconds of the start whistle and 38 anglers dropping their lines in the water, the first fish
NJSOC 72nd Anniversary Celebration and Open House
Despite rain, wind, winter like temperatures, and a power outage, the Friends’ Open House was a HUGE success. Thirty-nine stalwart souls braved the elements and joined us on tours, participated in rock art, learned about turtle research and even went
Searching for Salamanders – A Perfect Day
Saturday, May 15, 2021 was a great Spring day in many ways. The sun was shining and a cool morning gave way to a warm 70 degree afternoon, a perfect day to look for critters. The best part was that
Save NJSOC Update
The Friends of NJSOC is entering into the next phase of saving the School of Conservation with the Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) as our partners. We are meeting regularly with NJDEP and together we are learning as much as
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kerry Kirk Pflugh, President, Friends of NJSOC | Cell/Text: 908-887-2274Shayne Russell, Vice President, Friends of NJSOC | 609-654-1410Email: NJ SOC SENDING OUT AN “SOS”: NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED PILLAR OF OUTDOOR LEARNING ON VERGE OF CLOSING IN STATE FUNDING CRISIS National
70th Anniversary program and SOC history booklet
Couldn’t make it to our 70th Anniversary Celebration in October? We now have PDF versions of the program and SOC History available. Head over to our Media & Press page to download them!
I went into the woods…
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that
Winter Fun Day
Friends – We hope you are enjoying your winter. It has been a relatively mild one so far. Very little snow and no ice to skate on (yet!). Despite that, the Friends have decided to hold a winter weekend at
SOC 70th Anniversary Weekend Schedule
The 70th Anniversary of SOC will be a time to reflect on our shared history, engage in fun activities, enjoy good food, and sing around a campfire. Best of all, it will be a time to reunite with old friends,
Kiosk Update
A Gift from Friends The kiosk is delivered! We wanted to give our friends and members an opportunity to participate in the completion of the John J. Kirk Memorial Kiosk on Piney Point. The structure has been delivered and officers
Save the Date – SOC 70th Anniversary and Family Fun Weekend!
Our Annual Family Fun weekend, which is Saturday, October 12th through Sunday, October 13th, is now two full days of activities. On Saturday, we will celebrate the 70-year history of the School of Conservation from the early days to the present.
Welcome our new officer!
Dear Friends, it is with great pleasure that we tell you, that your officers unanimously voted to have Mary Jane Davis join us as an Officer of the Friends of SOC (read her bio here). Her reliable participation in Friends events, combined