Thank you, Melinda!



We’d like to thank Melinda Wildonger, our summer intern, for her wonderful contributions to our work at NJSOC.

She completed more than double her required hours and accomplished great things! She updated the trail and campus maps to make them more accessible for the visually impaired and created a new interpretative sign for the flying squirrel nesting box. Her longer-term project was to add to our biodiversity project on iNaturalist and she recorded an impressive 131 observations of plants, animals and fungi. In the educational realm, she developed a new lesson plan for the interpretive hike and led 10 different groups of students and teachers.

Melinda will be a sophomore at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry majoring in Environmental Science. Her focus area is in Health and the environment with a minor in Urban Environmental Science and we wish her all the best in her future studies. We will miss her around the SOC campus!

